Say goodbye to credits

Say goodbye to credits

News is for some of our old users, who years ago caught the arrival of so-called "credits" in IPweb. They could be earned by completing tasks and added to the "Free Visits" campaign balance. 1 credit was equal to 1 visit.

You may have noticed that the credits system has changed drastically over the last few months: the opportunity to earn credits has disappeared, and the number of mentions of credits in the site UI has become noticeably less. This was due to the fact that we decided to completely abandon this functionality because of its unpopularity.

Therefore, we would like to inform our users who still have credits on their accounts: on January 31, 2024 credits will be completely removed and until then you have the opportunity to use them for promotion, attracting traffic to your resources for free.

There are 2 ways to spend credits:

1. Create an advertising campaign "Visit 1 page" > Specify the address of the site where you want to attract traffic > On the payment screen, select "Credits" in the drop-down list > Specify the required number of visits in the same-named field on the right.

2. For the previously created advertising campaign "Visit 1 country" click on the icon "💲" > On the payment screen, select "Credits" in the drop-down list > Specify the required number of visits in the same-named field on the right.

(response to user )

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अच्छा कैप्शन और अच्छा अच्छी वेबसाइट
Nice caption and nice page
Bien! très bien
The good website
Good job yes
Muito bom o filme
I love this app,its really good
So good site
Хорош собой.
This is very important for me
best website and app
So good side
Good! Оце круто!
good site, very good