Work rules / Offer

The rules of the service are mandatory for both users and administration. By registering, users confirm their agreement with the following rules and undertake to comply with them. In case of violation of the rules of the system, the administration has the right to apply penalties to users, up to blocking accounts. In resolving any disputes with users, these rules have the highest priority and should be used first.

Registration of an account in the service or payment for any IPweb services (including replenishment of the account balance) are considered unconditional acceptance of this Offer.

1. Participation in the service IPweb

1.1. Participation in the service IPweb is free and voluntary, the user can become any willing user of the Internet.

1.2. When registering, the user must provide accurate information about himself.

1.3. The user has the right to have no more than 1 account in the system, registration of additional accounts without obtaining permission from the administration entails the blocking of all user accounts.

1.4. The user is obliged to monitor the confidentiality of account details in the system, for the consequences arising from the hit of the password to the account to the 3rd person is fully responsible for the user himself. In case the password is lost and cannot be recovered, and in the event of loss of access to WM ID provided during the registration process, the user loses access to the account, the system administration shall not be liable and is not obliged in any way to solve this problem caused by the user.

1.5. Inactive more than six months users can be removed by the decision of the administration.

1.6. It is strictly forbidden to use the system IPweb as an exchange office of Internet currencies/payment systems. If the user deposits funds in one currency/payment system and then attempts to withdraw funds in another currency/payment system, the account is blocked with all funds in the account. Unlocking in this case is impossible on any terms.

1.7. Transferring an account to third parties is strictly prohibited and will result in blocking of the account.

2. Surfing the service IPweb

2.1. The user has no right in any way to disrupt the normal course of surfing and full download of all elements of advertisers sites. Any automation of the surfing process is prohibited.

2.2. Surfing with images and/or animations disabled and in a browser window less than 1/2 of the screen — is forbidden.

2.3. Any attempts to cheat (increase the user's personal account without fulfilling obligations to advertisers) entail immediate blocking of the account.

2.4. The use of external proxy servers (including VPN) when surfing is prohibited. When a prohibited proxy server is detected, the system issues a warning to the user, for repeatedly ignoring the warnings of the system, the user's account is blocked without the possibility of unlocking.

2.5. Multiple random clicks on the control image in surfing are prohibited. Upon reaching 25 errors in the selection of the control image per day, the account is fined the amount of possible earnings for each subsequent error, with 50 or more errors per day, the penalty is double the amount of possible earnings.

2.6. If the task of clicking on any particular link is specified in surfing, it is necessary to click on this link, and not on any. Click on a random link for example, only the task is set if "click on any link on the site", but it is strictly forbidden to return to the previous page and click on it on other links, unless it is directly specified in the task. Violation of the path of clicks specified by the advertiser is punished by a fine or account blocking.

2.7. When performing tasks in social networks is prohibited:

  • to leave the community after receiving payment for joining it;
  • to unsubscribe from channels and accounts after receiving payment;
  • to remove your like after receiving the payment;
  • to delete paid repost entries from your page (including hiding them for some part of the audience, or closing the profile completely);
  • try by any other means to worsen the results of promotion;
  • to use not real name, surname (fakes, full name of celebrities, etc.) in profiles of social networks which are used for performance of tasks.

If you violate these rules, your account will be fined for each identified case in the amount exceeding the cost of the task in 3-10 times or blocked. Inspections are carried out regularly.

2.8. It is strictly forbidden to disclose any information about the received tasks in the service IPweb to third parties, including to publish on third-party resources texts of instructions of tasks, links to screenshots of executions, etc.

2.9. The performer can only work on 1 mobile device and 1 desktop computer at the same time. Registration of additional accounts to work from multiple devices is prohibited in accordance with clause 1.3 and entails the blocking of all user accounts.

2.10. Artificial changes of IP adresses are forbidden while earning (e.g. using multiple proxies, VPNs, etc.).

2.11. In case of detection of multiple attempts to deceive the service moderators by sending a deliberately incorrect or erroneous confirmation of task completion (screenshot), your account may be fined from 10 to 100 rubles (or equivalent). Please send only correct screenshots that clearly show the correct completion of the task.

3. The invitation referrals

3.1. Distribution of referral links through any type of spam is strictly prohibited. E-mail spam, spam forums, guest, blogs, etc. is punishable by immediate blocking of the account after the first confirmed complaint.

3.2. You can use referral links on your site without any restrictions.

3.3. It is allowed to use your own advertising materials (banners, texts, etc.) to attract referrals.

4. Requirements promoted by the website

4.1. All sites of participants of the system are moderated, changing the profile of the site after moderation without obtaining the consent of the administration entails blocking the user's account.

4.2. [expired] it is Forbidden to have client scripts in the source code of promoted sites that "kill" the frame system. The user must check the site for compatibility with the frame before adding the address to the system.

4.3. Sites containing materials, the distribution of which violates the legislation of the Russian Federation, are not allowed to participate in the system. This includes sites with pornographic content.

4.4. Sites that copy or emulate sites or parts of sites of other well-known web projects are also not allowed.

4.5. On promoted sites it is allowed to use no more than 1 pop-up or pop-under Windows.

4.6. It is forbidden to use pop-up on the sites, as well as scripts that add information to the "favorites" or change the start page of the browser without the consent of the user. Any kind of exploits and viruses on the sites are strictly prohibited.

4.7. The moderator of the system has the right to change the type of advertising campaign to a relevant one, change its instructions, and also not to allow to participate in the promotion of absolutely any advertising campaign or website with or without explanation.

5. Procedure of action and changes of the specified rules

5.1. These rules come into force immediately after registration of the user in the system, in case of disagreement with the rules, the visitor is obliged to refuse registration.

5.2. Violation of the rules inevitably leads to the application of the punishment chosen by the administration, from warning the user to blocking the account.

5.3. The administration has the right to modify and/or amend these rules without prior notice, in the event of a change of rules the new rules take effect for all users at the time of publishing them on the website system.

6. Limitation of liability

6.1. System IPweb is not responsible for the actions of third parties and third-party services. In particular, we cannot guarantee 100% accountability of all indicators (visits, actions, etc.)

6.2. The advertiser undertakes to use the services of the service IPweb do not violate the interests of third parties and the rules of other services, including hosting rules and search engine user agreements. All liability for such violations arising from the use of services IPweb, assigned to the advertiser.

7. Refunds

7.1. Refunds are possible only if the funds were not fully or partially used to pay for the services of the service, and also if this does not contradict the rules of the payment service with which the payment for services was made.
7.2. Refunds are made through the payment service, with the help of which the initial payment for services was carried out. The use of a third-party payment service is excluded.

If you have any questions, please contact support.
