Updating IPweb Surf software and application

Updating IPweb Surf software and application

New version of IPweb Surf 4.60 application for Android

In the new version of the Android application, a notification about the lack of network connection has been added, which automatically disappears when a signal appears. And also other errors were eliminated:

  • Incorrect identification of the device during authorization through a Google account.
  • Error "Request specified incorrectly" in search jobs.
  • An error due to which it was impossible to skip the task.
  • An error due to which the withdrawal interface did not always work correctly.

IPweb Surf 3.4.3 software update for Windows

We regularly work to make it convenient and easy to work in our service. Now the program works more stably, and also:

  • Added a quick screenshot option in an external application (for example, in tasks with a screenshot from Telegram). When you click on the "Take screenshot" button, a notification appears on how to do this.
  • In tasks with scrolling, the indication has been updated: now it is located on the top right and is more noticeable.

Have you noticed an error in the operation of a program or application? Do you have any wishes? Write in the comments, and perhaps your advice will help us become better.

Other updates that happened earlier:

AirTM is available for withdrawing funds. To start withdrawing funds through this payment system, go to your "Personal Account" and in the "Payment details" tab add your AirTM Wallet. The minimum withdrawal amount is 10 rubles, the commission is 3%. We remind you that it is your wishes that determine which payment systems are added to IPweb.

Updates of advertising campaigns for website promotion. Now it is even more convenient to create advertising campaigns! Add several URLs at once to promote the list. There is no need to create different campaigns for each URL. This feature is especially useful for website promotion. When you increase traffic to your site, add others in addition to the home page for the transition.

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It is a good earing site.I want to more surfing task here.
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согласен с коментарием AlexFergus у меня такая же проблема.
Часто вылетает окошко с ошибкой "Прекращена работа программы IPweb surf", но программа, к счастью, продолжает работать. Эта ошибка уже где-то год вылетает. Даже обновление программы не привело к её устранению. Мой комп: Win7 x64, 4Gb RAM, Phenom II X4 955. Железо в порядке. Вирусов нет. Грешу на какие-то dll-ки в винде, сопутствущий софт: Framework, Visual С++, Flash, либо это неустранимый глюк самой программы IPWebsurf.
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